Sheet Metal Fabrication for Cumberland, Rhode Island

Sheet Metal Fabrication for Cumberland, Rhode IslandMany businesses require specific parts for updating machinery or meeting certain product demands. This is where the services of a professional machining business are invaluable. Excell Solutions, located in Nashua, NH, offers various services to produce the best quality sheet metal for our customers.

For example, the final product from a sheet metal fabrication order might include bending, rolling, laser cutting, punching, stamping, and water jet cutting. Each of these processes involves precise machinery and skill, so we’re incredibly thorough when working on any fabrication for a client. Before any project begins, we carefully consider client needs and the final product to determine how to produce the highest quality product. Visit our services page for an exact breakdown of our capabilities.

How It’s Done

Here’s how it works. Our Cumberland, Rhode Island area sheet metal fabrication begins with thin, flat pieces of metal that come in large sheets or coils for easier handling. Some processes can be automated and machines programmed to create multiple, identical pieces to ensure conformity. For many processes, however, the material is worked by a technician using different types of equipment ranging from large metal lathes to water jets, lasers and even hand tools.

  • Cutting is done by sawing, shearing, or chiseling; torching with hand-held torches such as oxy-fuel torches or plasma torches; and via numerical control (CNC) cutters using a laser, mill bits, torch, or water jet.
  • Bending is done by hammering (manual or powered) or via press brakes, tube benders and similar tools.
  • Assembling (joining of the pieces) is done by welding, binding with adhesives, riveting, threaded fasteners, or even yet more bending in the form of a crimped seam.

Depending on a company’s product and requirements, welding could be a central component of sheet metal fabrication near Cumberland, Rhode Island. After the sheet metal parts are formed, they are assembled and tack-welded into place. Various welding techniques can be used to avoid warping or other visual defects. These include using a stout fixture, welding in a staggered manner, covering the metal with sand during the cooling process, and unique straightening processes.

Cutting is usually done by shearing. Large pieces of metal are cut into smaller ones to be further shaped by other methods or may be cut into their final shape. Other cutting methods for sheet metal fabrication in or near Cumberland, Rhode Island, include lasers, water jets, and torches. Bending is usually done by hammering or with a press brake. Pieces might be bent, rolled, or shaped if required by the customer project as well.

Choosing a Material

Some common materials include aluminum, brass, steel, tin, nickel, copper, and titanium. For special cases, gold, silver, or platinum might be used. We work closely with the client to choose the best sheet metal fabrication material options for the Cumberland, Rhode Island area, based on budget and use cases. While a particular material might suffice for a time, we value longevity for our clients to ensure consistent performance for their customers. The best metal for you will depend on your budget and how you plan to use it.

Our experts can help you decide on the best material for your particular project. With our prototyping services, it isn’t necessary to make a final decision immediately. We will iterate through variations until you choose the version that best suits your needs. If future changes are needed, we keep your files on hand to make minor adjustments without requiring an entirely new prototype.

At Excell Solutions, our skilled team has over 100 years of combined experience. They are backed by experienced engineers and a talented, highly skilled team of various specialists. We’re here to help, so give us a call or send us an email today to discuss your projects.

Contact Excell Solutions today to discuss your sheet metal fabrication needs.